Aid workers are tired and concerned, but not cowed

Being an aid worker in the age of Trump The toll of dealing with an impending existential crisis Today I had the pleasure of spending a couple precious hours with Jennifer Foy, the executive director of World Relief for the Winston-Salem/High Point offices in North Carolina. The job of her staff is to facilitate the processing and support of refugees coming into the state from placed like Cuba, Somalia, Sudan, Iraq and elsewhere. It will take a while to put together my notes and do a follow up with her, so the full report of our discussion will come in several days. We began the chat in her office commiserating about the news of the day, shared stories of how the last couple weeks were utterly exhausting and Trump-news  dominated.  She observed that she and her staff were having a hard time focusing and were spending more time on social media … Continue reading Aid workers are tired and concerned, but not cowed